Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird is a tragicomic game that actually has a very simple image and game content, but connects the person to the game. The reason why it’s tragicomic is that anyone who starts playing will fly this bird only? and then he despises and the bird is unable to fly.

Flappy Bird was a game for mobile devices. However, the game was the main explosion in 2014. Despite having a very simple screenshot (unlike games with a very rich content in terms of content), it managed to surprise the game developers by entering the list of Top Free Games at a time in countries such as America and China.

Then the game came up with the removal from Google Play and Apple Store. The game was launched on February 9, 2014 at the request of the founder and developer of Dong Nguyen of Vietnam origin. Nguyen’s share of the Twitter account the day before removing the game, in fact, people spend their free time leisure activities, and deviate from the purpose of explaining the reason that led to the deterioration of the nerves explained that the decision.

As a result, many players have been removed from the game software. But this time the value of smartphones with this game increased and a good opportunity was created to sell these phones Ama

So how was this game played? (It will still be easy to tell because it is still available on my phone. Make sure that the bird in the game proceeds without hitting the green pipes. When you move on, you don’t level up, only the number of pipes you pass through is your score. You have to have the skill and consideration.

There are two things that change in the game. The first is the color of the bird and the second is the day and night concept in the game. When you hit the bird pipe and you want to play it again, if the day and day in the previous game, you can return to the night in the next game and the color of the bird may change. Or something that’s not changing.

It’s such a simple task, but it’s hard. She’s got her nervous system upside down. Moreover, you do not need any internet connection to play the game.

Perhaps Nguyen could add a fortune to his fortune, but it must have frightened him that people have such ambitions and the game is so popular. Maybe he was afraid of the lawsuits filed by Nintendo. The game’s maker, Vietnamese Dong Nguyen, who has been struggling to pass a bird between two pipes, has announced that he will add the game back to the App Store. But this time a change is waiting for us. The game will be presented to players in a renewed version, not in the same way.

Nguyen, on Twitter, the game will return, but not recently, when the game is finished developing the Flappy Bird again put the App Store said.

When Flappy Bird appeared on the market, he had his maker Nguyen earns $ 50,000 a day. Shortly after the game withdrawal from the market Nguyen, had received death threats. Since then, many clones of Flappy Bird have taken place in the App Store and the Google Play Store.

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